Want a Better Life? – Introducing a Model for Life Change

Life Change Model (Pyramid)

Our life can begin to change when we understand the Whole Life Change Model. It briefly shows different areas of life that require intentionality, as well as some key stepping stones.

Note the key words on each “step”–the factors that contribute to life change. Read through the different elements of life mentioned in this model, around the outside.

Analyze: Why do you think the bottom items are the foundation? How can all of those things working together increase our life’s abundance and generosity?

There are different ways to visualize this. What’s shown here is just one way. We can flourish. We can give and live more abundantly as we engage in this process!

Want a bigger version, or a different way to visualize it? Simply Request The Tool called 1-05 Whole Life Change Model.

Watch or listen to the entire episode on YouTube at https://youtu.be/z8Z-bzTBlc4

Have comments on this model? Should the order be different? What other changes might you propose? Please submit your comments below.

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